It appears that one of my favorite Mill Valley boutiques is no more. I drove by yesterday and the windows were blacked out and the space is currently for rent on craigslist. The August website is still online, but doesn't appear to have been updated recently.
I got an amazing pair of Golden Goose tuxedo pants there as well as some handprinted t-shirts, homemade soaps and cool locally made jewelry.
I am so bummed that the economy is driving out all sorts of interesting shops. I guess I should have done a better job of spending money! Hoping the shop rebounds in a new location...
Was this the same August that was over on College Ave in Rockridge? If so that one closed about 6 months ago. Was a great store but expensive.
ReplyDeleteYeah, they had a Rockridge store too. Didn't realize that one had already closed. Bummer! Was expensive, but they had really nice stuff!