Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Fashion Show

Finally a replacement to fill the void left by Project Runway! The Fashion Show is Bravo's new fashion design show now that Lifetime network snatched away Project Runway. However, why Lifetime can't seem to churn out a new season of Project Runway while Bravo issues a brand new show is a mystery!

I had planned to remain faithful to Project Runway, but I watched the first episode of Bravo's new show online today and I have to say that I don't really miss the old show (especially after being kept waiting so long). A few things are different--less focus on the models for example. However, the parts that are absent are not parts I cared about anyway! I do miss Tim Gunn, but you can't have everything.

The Fashion Show airs Thursday's at 10:00 pm or you can watch full-length episodes on the website.

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