Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Great Ginger Beer Tasting

I love all things ginger. So, this week I decided to sample all of the different ginger beers at the local market in the hopes of finding one that really captured ginger flavor the best. I have to say there is a huge variety in ginger beers that I never knew existed. Strength of the ginger flavor varies, as does sweetness, and effervescence.
Since this blog focuses on the positive I won't go through the ginger beers I would not recommend. Instead I'll cut right to the chase. And the winner is...[drum roll]

Bundaberg Ginger Beer

This Australian Ginger Beer is the clear winner in this taste challenge. The cleanest and strongest ginger flavor with real chunks of ginger inside. Just the right amount of sweetness and carbonation. Love the bottle shape and the pull tap cap too! Would be great in a cocktail with a little rum and lime.

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