Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Cool Photo Stuff

Tin Type Photos

Rayko Photo Center in San Francisco is offerring portrait service to get an old-time tin type photo like the one at the left. I have not done this yet, but seriously forcing my family to all do a portrait.

More info and examples on the RayKo website.

Acrylic Photo Transfer

One of the most successful projects I've done is transferring old black and white photos to canvas. This is a project I originally saw in ReadyMade Magazine. They recommend painting over the photos with acrylic paints. I didn't actually like that effect when I tried it. I prefer just the simple black and white image on white canvas. I took a bunch of old family photos and transferred them to canvas leaving a large amount of white space around as sort of a frame.


Choose an image and make copies. You can alter the original by blowing it up, shrinking it down, or otherwise mucking about with it at this stage. (Note: If you're using text, remember that the print will be reversed, so set the text backwards.) 2. Trim off any parts of the image you don't want to transfer (Photo 1). 3. Using a brush, apply the acrylic medium to the canvas in a thick, even layer that is the approximate shape and size of the photocopy (Photo 2). 4. Now coat the front of the photocopy with the acrylic medium (Photo 3). 5. Place the photocopy facedown on the canvas (Photo 4). 6. On a flat surface, use a jar lid to rub all of the bubbles, wrinkles, and extra acrylic medium out from between the canvas and the photocopy. Start in the middle and work your way out to the edges (Photo 5). 7. Allow to dry completely on a flat surface. (If you used a lot of the acrylic medium, leave it overnight to be safe). 8. Use a wet sponge or spray bottle to saturate the back of the paper photocopy with water (Photo 6). 9. Using your fingers or the dough scraper, rub off the paper. Scrape with care: Don't scratch off the image, but rub enough paper off to leave only the black toner on the canvas. 10. Stretch your canvas onto a stretcher frame and staple it into place. 11. Use watered-down transparent acrylic paints to add color to your art by filling in the outlines. 12. Hang and call an appraiser.

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