Thursday, June 5, 2008

Just for Laughs

Eddie Izzard

Anyone who knows me knows about my obsession with Eddie Izzard . I am so excited that he's got a new American tour starting up called "Stripped". I'm hoping that I can see his show in L.A in August.
Check out tour dates and Eddie's website here.

Tommy Tiernan

Another comic I just discovered is Tommy Tiernan. He yells a little bit too much for me, but still liked his stories and timing.

Just watched his show, "Something Mental" on DVD which I recommend.

Here's one of his clips on YouTube which is a bit he does on "Something Mental" to give you an idea of what he's all about.

Russell Peters

We saw Russell Peters when we were in Montreal at the Just for Laughs Festival. He's a Toronto comedian who does amazing accents. Lots of humor about different cultures.

Here's one of his classic routines on YouTube.

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